Category effect

The Role of Feature Types in Category Effect of Combined Concepts
The Category Effect on the Semantic Feature Retrieval of Natural Concepts
The present study justified the role of feature types of sub-concepts in category effect of combined concept by using feature listing experiment and path model .
These theories explained well specific experimental phenomena , however , they failed to explain some stable phenomena , such as emergent feature and category effect .
Inductive inference psychological effects point out the extent that various factors in the inductive arguments affect the inductive judgment power , according to the factors and their effective ways , which mainly includes category effect , property effect , and mutual effect .
This article proposes that the future research should integrate all the existent experimental phenomena and theories , focus on the time course of conceptual combination , further investigate the role of context , and systemically study emergent feature and category effect of conceptual combination .
This thesis give an intensive theoretic framework research of local tax competition in public finance theory , and discuss the conception , factor , category and effect systematically .
The following passage will mainly discuss the cause , category , effect , and terms of expenditure compensation-claiming and the composing of expenditure of compensation-claiming events systematically .
This differs from another logical starting point to study the dualistic structure of property rights & the category and effect of civil rights such as the right of dominion and the right of claim , the relative right and the absolute right .
Domain specificity of artificial category has no effect on children 's category construction and learning .
The first category examines the effect of firm size or ownership type on technological innovation input .
To begin with , we introduce the definition of direct limit of pseudo effect algebras , and prove the existence of the direct limit for the category of pseudo effect algebras .
The article introduces the concept , category , source , effect , ways of taking effects and present situation about environmental hormone briefly .
Finally , the paper organizes two experiments , which are called free association of vocabulary and classification using experiment , to study how users understanding their needs and category names and the effect of cognitive context .
The product category characteristics have significant effect on perceived risk ; Classification complexity low , classification quality difference little , interval between twice deal long , price lower , products ' perceive risk to be low . 3 .
In the first chapter of this paper we introduce the concept and the category of the gravitational effect before presentation of the mass-defect effect . Then we simply introduce the basic knowledge in stellar and accreting theory relating to the mass-defect effect .